4500 ETT Merit List

Merit list for 4500 ETT Teachers uploaded on educationrecruitmentboard.com
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  1. Thaxxxxx sir g ....aap nay job dey kar Punjab dey ik in ghar CH chanan kar ta hai ......2008-10 da batch they hum BT aaj aap nay job dey kar aap kay rini ho gay ...thaxxxxxxx no world BT really thaxxxxxxxxxxxsssss.....

  2. Thaxxxxx sir g ....aap nay job dey kar Punjab dey ik in ghar CH chanan kar ta hai ......2008-10 da batch they hum BT aaj aap nay job dey kar aap kay rini ho gay ...thaxxxxxxx no world BT really thaxxxxxxxxxxxsssss.....

  3. Respected sir ,

    Most of the candidates (who are out of 4500 list) are deserving for 4500 ETT posts. When 3522 posts were advertised, all the candidates could get selected as they were old PSTET-I pass (i.e. before 2015 PSTET pass)

    In 2015 PSTET-I, the candidates got the grace marks of 4 to 12, even many candidates more than 20 marks grace through court cases. The Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana Court make injustice with old PSTET-I students.

    Old PSTET-I passed seeks justice from your side.

    sir, please think about this message.

